from Beatrix Willius and Tim Parnell
Public Function BundleVersion(fTarget as FolderItem) As String
// This function does not error trap nil objects because that's some failure you need to debug.
var oCFURL as CFURLMBS = NewCFURLMBSFile(fTarget)
if not oCFURL.IsPackage.Value then
var ex as new UnsupportedFormatException
ex.Message = fTarget.Name + " is not a bundle."
raise ex
var oCFBundle as CFBundleMBS = CreateBundleMBS(oCFURL)
var oValue as CFObjectMBS = oCFBundle.GetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleMBS.kCFBundleVersionKey)
if oValue isa CFStringMBS then
var sVersion as String = CFStringMBS(oValue).DisplayString
return sVersion
End Function